8 Center Street Grant Application Funded
After years of living underwater and nowhere else to turn — we desperately sought out the help and assistance of the Sea Bright Borough. Through our extensive, time-consuming research and data, not to mention suffering, we were able to gather enough information to qualify for a Grant. Therefore, under Mayor Maria Fernandez, the Borough of Sea Bright authorized $6000 for the engineering firm, Tetra Tech, to file the initial application for the elevation of 8 Center Sreet, through FEMA/NFIP’s SRL (Severe Repetitive Loss) program.
With all of this repetitive flooding… Why was this house able to obtain permits for remodeling by previous owners, without being lifted first? The Borough knew about this. What a scam. Shame on all of you!
Virtue is the desire of things honourable and the power of attaining them.
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