Our New Gas Meter
It’s the middle of January… We have no heat and our new gas meter’s pipes are frozen! Furthermore, they are filled with corrosion and salt. When NJ Gas came out, the worker was very nice and replaced the necessary parts. But he also said that the meter should have been higher, based on the flooding here. Well, we certainly knew that and we definitely tried! In fact, prior to the lift of our house, we called both NJ Gas and JCP&L — who also agreed — and said it would be no problem to do so. However, when the town engineer and the builder got involved, they told us, “NO, the utility companies would not allow this, so it can’t be done due to codes” and other BS. A month later, Hurricane Sandy arrived and wiped out utilities throughout the Borough! Unfortunately, it couldn’t wipe out the “stupidity.” More wasted time and money on a topic we had consistently vocalized at numerous town meetings, years prior to Sandy — i.e elevation is crucial for electric and gas meters in low-lying areas. Due to the constant submersion in brackish water, gas meters expose us to potential explosions, because of corroded vents — equaling disaster. As usual, it fell on deaf ears. Clearly, the well-being and safety of the residents was never a concern for this town. It’s all about the look.

Virtue is the desire of things honorable and the power of attaining them.
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