The Silence of Complicit Elected Officials

Government Officials say… Don’t Touch This!

It isn’t often that one feels the need to reach out to their elected or appointed government officials. But when one does, you at least expect a response of some sort. We have reached out to 17 different committees, agencies and appointed or elected officials via certified mail. They have all signed for and received our plea for help with a FEMA grant funded, government executed and supervised failed home elevation/mitigation project.

Sadly, we received just 2 responses. The first, from Governor Murphy’s office. After speaking with his office, a month and a half has gone by, and we still haven’t heard back from them.

The second, was from Monmouth County Freeholder, Thomas Arnone, who obviously has reading comprehension difficulties — as he responded, though “sorry” for our “SANDY” damages, he could not help us. But instead, he would be forwarding our letter to NJ Senator Declan Oscanlon; who now has received two copies of our letter, but has yet to respond. It is truly funny, that our Senator has time to be on air with NJ 101.5 Radio and get into twitter wars, for the purpose of commenting on cheap tippers.

But when it comes to calling out his cronies for their appalling behavior and mistreatment of his constituents, his silence is deafening here at 8 Center Street.

Two responses, but NO ACTION taken.

Below is our public shaming score card, take a look at how government is working for us.


Author: Murphy