Low-Income Housing

Beware of Political Insider SCAMs

Dirty little secret… Insider track to applications for housing units and the preferential pre-sale of units to political insiders. It happens all the time in New Jersey. Here I am at The Hampton Club, in New Brunswick — with my friends, Joe and Richard (pictured below) —all of us learning the hard way about the lies of politicians and their counsel. After starting the waiting line, spending three weeks waiting in it for the sales office to open, suffering through sub-zero temperatures… Only to find out that the bulk of the prime units and the low-income units at the Hampton Club development, were pre-sold to the city’s lawyer, mayor, their friends, city employees and family members of the developer. The real rub here, was that the Hampton Club development was being studied by Rutgers as a pioneering project in the state’s bid to end urban blight and provide affordable housing. Needless to say, I didn’t end up with a home and thankfully so. The development actually increased crime in the area. Sea Brighters, beware of your politicians and their motives as they feign interest in your legitimate concerns.

credit: The Home News, photographer unknown, circa 1988

The science only perpetuates the vicious cycle of cronyism, power-mongering, influence peddling, corruption, bureaucracy, all of that.

Deepak Chopra

Author: Murphy