Sea Bright Couldn’t Comprehend the ICC Program

Our start date was delayed by the new Sea Bright Borough Clerk and his inability to understand or remember our previous discussions — despite us presenting him with all of the forms and documentation — as well as, being told of the process by FEMA’s Regional Manager and T&M Associates. The Borough CFO’s initial understanding of the ICC (Increased Cost of Compliance) program. Therefore, we were basically threatened that if we didn’t resolve this ICC matter, the project couldn’t start. The Clerk said either we give them $30,000 up front or they would place a Lien on our house — stating that the NFIP, State OEM and/or FEMA’s comittments were unacceptable! A FEMA rep told us that he sent the Sea Bright Borough countless commitments and reassurance. He could not understand why there was a problem or a delay. Upon presenting the Borough Clerk with emails from October, 2011, spelling out the procedure and showing the CFO’s agreement to this procedure, yet again — the permits were finally released to the contractor. Let the incompetence and bullying begin! You just can’t make up this stuff…
Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable.
Mark Twain
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