From Various Involved Parties Throughout Our Grant Process
Project Manager – T&M Associates
I don’t know how you are handling this so well. I would be very afraid if I were you. This is a mess and you guys are so calm.
In March 2012, before we even left our home for this project.
We don’t know anything about homes and raising them.
We mainly work on bridges, roadways, etc.
T&M – Just who you want managing this project; a house lift, funded by a FEMA Grant.
I have an outline of the project reconstruction cost. If you do the preliminary work, we will credit you.
We did the work and the credits were never applied to the Grant.
We were never to manage this project. We were in charge of the structural aspect, i.e. – foundation.
Ironically, it’s the structural aspect of our home that is completely botched! The house is falling in. Throughout the project, T&M and the Borough Architect argued over who was responsible for what. At different times, we were told by the Borough that one or the other was in charge of the entire project.
Murphy, you are not in the driver’s seat on this one!
After homeowner voices his legitimate concerns regarding his home!
Is that an orphanage next door? I don’t know how you live here.
Nice, professional comment.
Borough Engineer – T&M Associates
You have way too much money for this project!
Our first meeting with the T&M engineer at Borough Hall.
You don’t have enough money for this project!
2 weeks later, she stated this BS.
We can probably get you a replacement builder to finish and do the punchlist. I will look into it and get back to you.
After multiple failures from the builder and his forced removal from our property by us — this was promised and NOT delivered. Instead we were sued and lien was placed on our home, by a contractor we never hired.
Grant Writer – T&M Associates
I changed the numbers to work for us.
T&M, with the Borough’s cooperation, modified our contract without our knowledge or consent — increasing the funds allocated for professional services by 702%! Then had the audacity to require us to perform our own work and do without items specified on original Grant application and plans. Really.
I will be checking in with you throughout the project.
We never heard from her again.
Dina Long – Mayor
Oxley, (the Borough Attorney at the time) is in with T&M Associates. There are only two people you can trust — Me and Peggy Bills.
That and $5 will buy you a latte at Starbucks. Trusting you and council members was our biggest mistake.
My hands are tied. Everyone is sticking to their stories. Why don’t you give him (the Builder) the extra $9K and make him go away. Move on with your lives because we are not responsible.
You are not responsible? The Borough hired him and everyone else. His contract is with you, so that makes you responsible!
I think you need a lawyer.
Especially, since they already lawyered up first.
I can’t help you — I have to work with these people!
Big girl position = big girl pants. The truth hurts.
I am working with Oxley on your behalf.
Yeah, ok. We see where that got us. Zero progress. Oxley left and his replacement is a bully.
I will kick up quite a storm in my quiet, unquiet way.
But not for us! This was said at our town meeting on 8/6/13. It’s always about getting more funding for the Borough, so they can pretty up the town.
Why don’t you blame your damages on Hurricane Sandy?
Said to me while I was voting at the Fair Haven firehouse, since our area was closed due to the storm.
We used your Grant money to pay the architect for previous projects for the Borough.
Her reply when asked why we were forced to use their architect and the reason our architectural fees were so rediculously high.
You are the good guys!
You treated good people with lies, bullying & threats? Then, you turned the other cheek and ignored us.
Read Murphy – Councilman
If I were you, I would get a lawyer — a good one. But, I will never admit to saying that. You never heard this from me.
At the Home Depot parking lot, Murphy saw Read — showed him the architectural plans where the sill plates were detailed to be replaced and all other items not addressed.
I do better construction than this. This is terrible!
While walking up our new outside staircase. It was unsafe and built incorrectly.
Sea Bright should buy you a new house! How do we hide $400K?
Initially, showing empathy. Hiding money is typical of this council.
What do you expect from Prevailing Wage?
Well, we expected skilled, professionals and job completion in a timely manner.
I hate your neighbor. I’d like to punch him out.
Everyone secretly hated him, but this angst pre-dates our move here and experience.
Do? Do me!
In reference to Mayor Long’s “DO” campaign. Always the jokester.
Brian Kelly – Councilman
We will watch out for you… Don’t be afraid — we got your back.
After hearing all of the negativity from the builder, we were scared and concerned about leaving our home in his hands. We begged for a meeting with Borough officials at our house to voice our concerns, such as, the builder bid on a job without ever inspecting or getting under the house to know what the heck was going on.
Do you feel better now?
After the above meeting. He said while leaving. His condescending manner, left an unpleasant taste in our mouths.
I know you don’t like T&M, but they’ve been helpful to us.
Apparently, they’ve been helpful to lots of council members. Just sayin’…
Borough Architect
Read Murphy!
His reply when we asked why our first meeting was delayed and the reason for the hold-up. Interestingly, Read Murphy was blamed for multiple delays and failures.
This is below sub-standard work. It is a butcher job. I will write a letter to confirm this.”
We never did see any fictitious letter — but we did see him hide from us in the Tinton Falls supermarket! He actually ducked down behind a shelf thinking we hadn’t noticed him. We were stunned. A real class act.
Why didn’t you follow my plans? The Builder replies, This is the way I do things.
After discovering our front porch and landings for the new doorways were not built properly or according to the plans. In fact, the front porch never needed to be constructed, but the builder destroyed the original with his skid steer. Oops. The landings are now at the same level as entryways, which allows for rain water and snow to breech the threshold gaskets, entering inside the house.
Don’t hit my new BMW!
He parked on Center Street and was concerned about his new car being damaged in this neighborhood. We were concerned too… His fees climbed to $33K, for a $5K job! Maybe we should ask for a set of keys.
The Builder
It’s too cold. We can’t start now.
Couldn’t commit to a start date in December, 2011.
You’re messing with my business, man.
After months of putting his start date off… we had to delay his start one week, due having to perform site work prep, remove asbestos siding, patio, fencing, walkways, stone beds, pavers and plantings, in order to reduce costs (because $241K wasn’t enough to lift a home). We had to find a place to live and move out. And, we were also waiting for a meeting with the Borough — to assure us that this project wouldn’t go rogue.
I’m not making any money on this project!
Well, who’s fault is that? He took it out on us, like it was our fault and performed the worst work. You never say that to your clients. Oh, but we were not his clients — we didn’t hire him — the Borough did. And the Borough allowed him to put a Lien on our house.
I worked on a home and charged an additional $100k in extras that were not covered in the bid accepted for his grant. Homeowner wasn’t happy but he had no choice but to pay.
After our initial meeting at Borough Hall, regarding this project — we walked down our street with the Builder (low-bidder), who informed us of what was bound to come.
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